The Battle of Çanakkale (1915) - Part 3
Upon the failure of
the naval campaign, the Allies planned a continental operation and landed in
the morning of April 25. Liman von Sanders, the German Cavalry General
commanding our forces, assumed that the Allies would land on Saros and Kumkale.
In accordance with this assumption, he located only one of the six divisionsat
Seddülbahir, which turned out to be the real landing point of the Allies. He
appointed one division as reserve troops under the command of Lieutenant
Colonel Mustafa Kemali located two divisions at Saros and the remaining two on
the Anatolian shore of the strait. His assumotions proved wrong. Seeing the
Allies land on Maydos, Mustafa Kemal made a historically decisive move - he
took the initiative and sent the 57th infantry regiment to charge back the
emeny. For if the Allies had been able to seize Conbayırı, our defense system
would have been severely damaged, which would end up in the occupation of
Istanbul. The courcage of the Turkish soldier together with the detemination of
Atatürk made the Allies' marching stop, adding on other page of honor or to our
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